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The Works of F. B. Meyer


Nailing down the very best Christian authors is a difficult task as their writings span two millenia and cover many different genres. What is the “best” can really depend on one’s taste. However, the following are some of the more famous and influential…

Saint Augustine

Saint Augustine (354-430) is widely regarded as one of the most influential Christian writers in history. His profound theological insights, eloquent writings, and intellectual depth continue to shape Christian thought and practice to this day.

Augustine’s most renowned work, “Confessions,” stands as a timeless masterpiece of spiritual autobiography. In it, he explores his own journey of conversion and wrestles with deep philosophical and theological questions, addressing themes of sin, grace, and the longing for God. The transparency and vulnerability with which he shares his personal struggles resonate with readers across time and culture.

Another monumental work by Augustine, “City of God,” provides a comprehensive examination of the relationship between the earthly and heavenly realms. This influential treatise explores the nature of society, politics, and human flourishing in light of Christian beliefs. Augustine’s insights on the fallen nature of humanity, the tension between the City of God and the City of Man, and the role of divine grace in redemption have had a profound impact on Christian theology and ethics.

Saint Augustine’s enduring legacy as one of the most influential Christian writers rests on his profound insights, compelling writing style, and his ability to address universal human experiences and theological questions. His works continue to inspire, challenge, and guide Christians in their pursuit of truth, faith, and understanding.

Teresa of Avila

Saint Teresa of Avila (1515-1582) stands as one of the most influential Christian writers in history, leaving an indelible mark on spirituality and contemplative prayer. Her profound insights, spiritual depth, and eloquent writings continue to captivate readers and shape the Christian landscape.

Teresa’s masterpiece, “The Interior Castle,” provides a profound exploration of the soul’s journey toward union with God. This spiritual classic delves into the stages of prayer, emphasizing the importance of self-examination, humility, and surrender to divine grace. Teresa’s vivid metaphors and poetic language invite readers to embark on a transformative spiritual pilgrimage.

Her autobiography, “The Life of Saint Teresa of Avila,” offers a candid account of her own spiritual experiences, struggles, and encounters with God. Through her honest storytelling, she inspires readers to seek an intimate relationship with the divine and encourages a life of devotion and prayer.

Teresa’s teachings on prayer and contemplation have had a lasting impact on Christian spirituality. Her emphasis on the interior life, the cultivation of silence, and the pursuit of union with God resonate with seekers of all ages.

Saint Teresa of Avila’s timeless writings continue to guide and inspire readers in their own spiritual journeys, inviting them to encounter the divine and find true transformation and fulfillment.

John Bunyan

John Bunyan (1628-1688) is undeniably one of the most influential Christian writers in history. His impact can be attributed to his profound insights into the human condition, his engaging storytelling, and his unwavering commitment to sharing the message of the Gospel.

Bunyan’s masterpiece, “The Pilgrim’s Progress,” stands as a literary and spiritual classic. This allegorical novel has been widely read and cherished for centuries, captivating readers with its vivid imagery and compelling narrative. Through the character of Christian, Bunyan vividly portrays the struggles, temptations, and triumphs encountered on the journey of faith, resonating with readers across cultures and generations.

His writings addressed universal themes such as sin, grace, redemption, and the pursuit of a godly life. Bunyan’s works were deeply rooted in his own experiences, reflecting the challenges faced by believers in his time and offering timeless wisdom applicable to all.

Bunyan’s influence extends beyond literature. As a nonconformist preacher, he fearlessly proclaimed the Gospel during a time of religious persecution. His sermons and writings reached and touched the lives of many, inspiring them to pursue a deeper relationship with God.

John Bunyan’s ability to convey profound spiritual truths through captivating storytelling, combined with his unwavering commitment to the Gospel, solidifies his position as one of the most influential Christian writers of all time. His enduring legacy continues to impact and inspire readers, inviting them to embark on their own spiritual pilgrimage and find hope in the journey of faith.

Brother Lawrence

Brother Lawrence (1614-1691) was a lay brother in a Carmelite monastery in Paris, known for his simple and profound approach to spirituality. Born Nicholas Herman in a humble family, he later became a soldier before joining the monastery as a cook and caretaker. Although he had no formal education or theological training, his writings, particularly “The Practice of the Presence of God,” have become classics of Christian literature.

Brother Lawrence’s spirituality was centered on the idea of cultivating a constant awareness of God’s presence in everyday life. He believed that all tasks, no matter how mundane, could be opportunities to connect with God and offer worship to Him. His humility, devotion, and practical wisdom have inspired many believers over the centuries.

Brother Lawrence’s legacy continues to influence Christians today, particularly those seeking a deeper spiritual life. His writings on prayer, meditation, and the practice of God’s presence offer practical guidance for those who desire to live out their faith in a more meaningful way. Furthermore, his example of simplicity and devotion challenges us to reconsider what it means to follow Christ, and to seek Him in all aspects of our lives.

In summary, Brother Lawrence was a humble and devout man whose writings have left a lasting impact on the Christian faith. His emphasis on the practice of God’s presence has inspired countless believers to live out their faith in a more meaningful and authentic way, and his legacy serves as a reminder of the power of a life dedicated to Christ.

Martin Luther

Martin Luther (1483-1546) is undoubtedly one of the most influential Christian writers in history. His impact stems from his profound theological insights, courageous stance against corruption, and prolific writings that reshaped the course of Christianity.

Luther’s most famous work, “95 Theses,” nailed to the door of the Castle Church in Wittenberg in 1517, sparked the Protestant Reformation. This bold act of challenging the Roman Catholic Church’s practices and teachings set off a chain of events that led to the fragmentation of Western Christianity and the establishment of Protestantism.

Beyond the “95 Theses,” Luther’s prolific writing contributed significantly to shaping Protestant theology. His translation of the Bible into German made Scripture accessible to the common people, significantly impacting literacy rates and the spread of Protestant ideas.

Luther’s teachings emphasized justification by faith alone, the priesthood of all believers, and the authority of Scripture over tradition. His theological works, such as “The Bondage of the Will” and “The Large Catechism,” solidified foundational doctrines of Protestantism.

Moreover, Luther’s influence extended to hymnody. He composed numerous hymns, including the famous “A Mighty Fortress Is Our God,” that continue to be sung by Christians worldwide.

Martin Luther’s impact on Christianity transcends time and denominational boundaries. His theological insights laid the foundation for the development of Protestantism and have shaped Christian thought for centuries. Luther’s courage, dedication to Scripture, and passion for reform continue to inspire believers to pursue truth and stand firm in their convictions. As a result, Luther remains an iconic figure in Christian history, influencing the faith and spirituality of millions worldwide.

Madame Jeanne Guyon

Madame Jeanne Guyon (1648-1717) holds a significant place in Christian history as one of the most influential mystics whose profound spiritual insights and writings on the interior life have left a lasting impact on Christian spirituality.

Guyon’s most well-known work, “A Short and Easy Method of Prayer” (sometimes known as “Experiencing the Depths of Jesus Christ”), expounds on the concept of union with God and the pursuit of inner transformation through contemplative prayer and surrender to God’s will. Her emphasis on the importance of the interior life and the indwelling presence of God profoundly influenced the development of Christian mysticism.

Her writings were not without controversy, as some church authorities questioned her views and practices. Nonetheless, her works gained popularity and inspired many, including prominent figures like François Fénelon and John Wesley.

Throughout the centuries, the writings of Madame Jeanne Guyon have continued to inspire seekers of God’s presence and lovers of deeper spiritual experiences. Her teachings on prayer, surrender, and the pursuit of God’s love resonate with Christians across denominations and cultures. Her legacy continues to impact believers who seek to deepen their relationship with God and experience His love in a profound and personal way.

Matthew Henry

William Law

Jonathan Edwards

Jonathan Edwards, an 18th-century American preacher, theologian, and philosopher, remains one of the most influential Christian writers in history. His intellectual brilliance, deep spiritual insights, and unwavering commitment to Biblical truth have left an indelible mark on Christian thought and theology, making him a towering figure in the annals of Christianity.

Profound Theological Contributions: Edwards’ writings stand as a treasure trove of profound theological reflections. His most famous work, “Sinners in the Hands of an Angry God,” is a gripping sermon that awakened listeners to the reality of God’s judgment and the need for repentance. His theological treatises, such as “The Freedom of the Will” and “A Treatise Concerning Religious Affections,” offered deep insights into topics like human responsibility, divine sovereignty, and the nature of true Christian experience.

Pioneering Revival Preacher: As a central figure in the First Great Awakening, Edwards’ preaching sparked revival throughout the American colonies. His powerful sermons, characterized by impassioned rhetoric and intellectual rigor, ignited a spiritual awakening that transformed lives and communities. Edwards’ emphasis on the necessity of conversion and personal encounter with God became a hallmark of revival preaching for generations to come.

Visionary Philosophical Contributions: Beyond theology, Edwards also made significant contributions to the fields of philosophy and metaphysics. His work on the philosophy of the mind, “A Treatise Concerning the End for Which God Created the World,” explored the concept of divine purpose and the nature of human existence. His philosophical insights bridged theology and philosophy, shaping the intellectual landscape of his time.

Jonathan Edwards’ profound theological reflections, powerful preaching, and visionary philosophical contributions have left an indelible mark on Christian thought and theology. His enduring influence on revival preaching, philosophy, and theology ensures that his writings will continue to inspire and challenge believers for generations to come. As Christians seek to deepen their understanding of God and the human experience, the writings of Jonathan Edwards serve as a timeless reservoir of wisdom, guiding believers on their spiritual journey and understanding of the word of God.

John Wesley

John Wesley, the co-founder of the Methodist movement, stands as one of the most influential Christian writers of all time. His prolific writings, impassioned preaching, and emphasis on practical Christian living have left an indelible mark on Christianity, shaping theology, church practices, and individual lives.

John Wesley’s literary contributions were nothing short of remarkable. He authored numerous sermons, theological treatises, letters, and devotional works that explored a wide range of Christian themes. His writings covered everything from justification by faith to the pursuit of holiness and the inner witness of the Holy Spirit. One of his most significant works, “A Plain Account of Christian Perfection,” sparked discussions and debates on the concept of sanctification, influencing Methodist theology for generations to come. Another lasting contribution was his many journals which became a source of inspiration for millions around the world.

Wesley’s impact went far beyond the written word. His fervent preaching, fueled by a profound passion for spreading the Gospel, attracted thousands of listeners across England, Ireland, Scotland, and America. Traveling thousands of miles on horseback, he delivered sermons to people from all walks of life, inspiring spiritual revival and stirring hearts to embrace faith in Christ. His compelling sermons challenged listeners to confront their spiritual state and experience personal transformation.

What truly sets Wesley apart is his emphasis on “practical divinity.” He believed that faith should not be confined to mere theological discussions but should be tangibly lived out in everyday life. Wesley encouraged believers to actively engage in works of mercy, social justice, and charitable deeds. His influence in promoting education, healthcare, and the fight against social injustices contributed to the development of the Methodist movement as a force for positive change in society.

Wesley’s legacy extends far beyond his time. The Methodist Church, founded on his theological principles, continues to thrive and spread the message of God’s grace and love. His hymns, with over 6,000 composed, continue to be sung globally, connecting believers across generations in worship and praise.

John Wesley’s enduring influence as an influential Christian writer cannot be overstated. Through his writings, preaching, and unwavering commitment to practical Christian living, he shaped the trajectory of Christianity. Wesley’s impact on theology, church practices, and social justice has left an everlasting impression, inspiring countless individuals to pursue a deeper relationship with God and actively live out their faith in service to others. His legacy stands as a beacon of hope and transformation in the Christian world, making him one of the most influential Christian writers of all time.

George Muller

Andrew Murray

Andrew Murray, a 19th-century South African pastor, theologian, and prolific writer, remains one of the most influential Christian authors of all time. His profound insights, deep spirituality, and emphasis on prayer and holiness have left an indelible mark on Christian literature, inspiring believers across generations.

Prolific Writer and Visionary Theologian – Andrew Murray authored over 240 books and pamphlets, covering a wide range of theological and practical topics. His writings delve into the essential aspects of the Christian faith, such as prayer, the Holy Spirit, surrender, and the pursuit of a closer relationship with God. His visionary theology emphasized the centrality of Christ, the power of the Holy Spirit, and the necessity of living out the Christian life in full dependence on God.

Murray’s teachings on prayer have been particularly transformative for believers. His book “With Christ in the School of Prayer” has been hailed as a masterpiece on the subject, encouraging believers to cultivate a life of fervent and intimate communion with God. Murray’s emphasis on holiness and sanctification challenged believers to live a life set apart for God, characterized by a surrendered will and an ever-deepening devotion to Christ.

Murray’s influence extended far beyond South Africa. His books were widely translated into multiple languages, spreading his spiritual insights to diverse cultures around the world. His writings became a source of spiritual nourishment for countless individuals seeking a deeper understanding of their faith and a more profound experience of God’s presence.

More than a century after his passing, Andrew Murray’s legacy endures. His works continue to be widely read and cherished by Christians of various denominations. His emphasis on the importance of prayer, holiness, and the Spirit-filled life resonates with believers seeking to grow in their faith and commitment to Christ.

Andrew Murray’s impact as an influential Christian writer is undeniable. His profound teachings on prayer, holiness, and a life fully surrendered to Christ have inspired believers worldwide. Through his prolific writings and visionary theology, Murray’s legacy lives on, serving as a timeless voice in Christian literature. As Christians continue to seek a deeper relationship with God and a more fervent prayer life, Murray’s insights continue to be a wellspring of spiritual wisdom and inspiration. His life and writings stand as a testament to the transformative power of a life wholly dedicated to Christ.

G. K. Chesterton

G. Campbell Morgan

R. A. Torrey

Reuben Archer Torrey, widely known as R. A. Torrey, was a pastor, evangelist, and prolific author. His unwavering commitment to Scripture, evangelistic fervor, and practical teachings have left an enduring mark on the Christian world.

At the core of Torrey’s influence was his unyielding commitment to the authority and truth of the Bible. As the editor of “The Fundamentals,” a series of essays defending core Christian doctrines, he ardently championed biblical inerrancy. His own writings, like “The Bible Answer Book” and “Difficulties in the Bible,” provided well-researched answers to challenging theological questions, equipping believers with a solid foundation in God’s Word.

As an evangelist who worked closely with D. L. Moody, Torrey had a remarkable impact on spreading the Gospel. His fervent preaching and tireless dedication to evangelism contributed significantly to the revivalist movements of his time. His book “How to Bring Men to Christ” served as a practical guide for sharing the Gospel effectively, inspiring generations of believers to become more effective witnesses for Christ.

Torrey’s theological writings were accessible and enlightening. “The Person and Work of the Holy Spirit” and “The Baptism with the Holy Spirit” explored the role of the Holy Spirit in the Christian life, while “How to Pray” provided practical insights into the significance and effectiveness of prayer in the believer’s journey.

The influence of R. A. Torrey’s writings extends beyond his time. His books have been translated into multiple languages and continue to inspire Christians globally. Many of his works are considered essential resources for both new and seasoned believers seeking to deepen their understanding of God and grow in their faith.

R. A. Torrey’s profound dedication to Scripture, passion for evangelism, and practical theological insights have secured his place as one of the most influential Christian writers of all time. His timeless works continue to impact lives, equipping believers to defend their faith, share the Gospel, and grow in their relationship with God. 


Charles Spurgeon

F. B. Meyer

D. L. Moody


“What has exceedingly hurt you in time past, nay, and I fear to this day, is want of reading.

I scarce ever knew a preacher read so little. And perhaps, by neglecting it, you have lost the taste for it. Hence your talent in preaching does not increase. It is just the same as it was seven years ago. It is lively, but not deep; there is little variety, there is no compass of thought. Reading only can supply this, with meditation and daily prayer. You wrong yourself greatly by omitting this. You can never be a deep preacher without it, any more than a thorough Christian.

O begin! Fix some part of every day for private exercises. You may acquire the taste which you have not: what is tedious at first, will afterwards be pleasant.

Whether you like it or no, read and pray daily. It is for your life; there is no other way; else you will be a trifler all your days, and a petty, superficial preacher. Do justice to your own soul; give it time and means to grow. Do not starve yourself any longer. Take up your cross and be a Christian altogether. Then will all children of God rejoice (not grieve) over you in particular.”

– John Wesley to pastor John Premboth, on August 17, 1760.


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Charles Spurgeon, D L Moody, F B Meyer, Charles Finney, Amy Carmichael, John Wesley, R A Torrey, Hudson Taylor, St Augustine, St Patrick, William Booth, David Brainerd, Jonathan Edwards, William Carey, Alfred Edersheim, E M Bounds, Martin Luther, G Campbell Morgan, Madame Jeanne Guyon, John Bunyan, Brother Lawrence, William Law, George Muller