Gipsy Smith – Evangelist and Author

Get all of Gipsy Smith’s dynamic sermons in this excellent collection. Also includes his powerful autobiography!

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Rodney “Gipsy” Smith (1860-1947) was a world-famous evangelist who preached to tens of thousands on both sides of the Atlantic. He was a contemporary with William Booth and G. Campbell Morgan and was widely thought of as the greatest evangelist since D. L. Moody.

Included in this Collection are the full texts of his autobiography and powerful sermons:

  • Autobiography “Gipsy Smith – His Life and Work” – illustrated (29 chapters).
  • As Jesus Passed By and Other Sermons (12 chapters)
  • The Lost Christ (illustrated sermon)
  • Your Boys
  • Real Religion sermon collection (13 chapters)
  • Evangelistic Talks (20 chapters)

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Gipsy Smith (1860-1947) was a prominent English evangelist known for his passionate preaching and impactful ministry. Born into a family of Romani Gypsies in a horse-drawn caravan, Smith’s life and legacy exemplify the transformative power of God’s grace.

Growing up in poverty and facing numerous hardships, Smith experienced conversion at the age of sixteen. Filled with a zeal to share the Gospel, he began preaching in the open air and soon gained a reputation for his dynamic and engaging style.

Smith’s evangelistic efforts took him across the globe, from the United Kingdom to the United States, Canada, Australia, and beyond. His fiery sermons and personal testimonies touched the hearts of thousands, leading many to faith in Jesus Christ. He had a particular burden for reaching those considered to be on the margins of society, including the poor, the incarcerated, and the Gypsy community.

Smith’s legacy extends beyond his lifetime. He played a significant role in the revival movements of the late 19th and early 20th centuries, impacting the global evangelical community. He inspired and mentored many young evangelists, imparting his passion for evangelism and the transformative message of the Gospel.

Gipsy Smith’s life and ministry serve as a testament to the power of God’s grace and the impact of a life fully surrendered to Christ. His unwavering commitment to sharing the Gospel, his fervent prayer life, and his heart for the marginalized have left an indelible mark on the history of evangelism. His legacy continues to inspire believers to boldly proclaim the Good News and reach out to those in need with the love and compassion of Christ.