John Paton Missionary Biography


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I am a little over half way through this book. It is a fascinating group of biographies. They are very complete, with details that I did not find in other biographies of some of the individuals. Some of them are hard reading, but most are extremely interesting, as for example: John Patton with the cannibals, David Livingston in Africa, William Booth with the Salvation Army, etc…It is an extremely worthwhile book”

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John Paton (1824-1907) was a Scottish Christian missionary who dedicated his life to spreading the Gospel among the indigenous people of the South Pacific islands. Born in Dumfrieshire, Scotland, Paton felt a strong calling to bring the message of Christ to remote and dangerous regions where the Gospel had not yet been heard.

In 1858, Paton and his wife, Mary Ann, set out for the New Hebrides (now Vanuatu), a group of islands in the Pacific Ocean. The New Hebrides were known for their cannibalistic practices and hostility toward outsiders, making it a challenging and dangerous mission field. Paton faced numerous obstacles and life-threatening situations throughout his missionary work, but remained steadfast in his faith and commitment to his calling.

Paton’s mission involved not only evangelism but also practical assistance, such as teaching the people about agriculture, healthcare, and literacy. He worked tirelessly to learn the local language, translating the Bible into the native tongue and creating a written language for the people. His efforts were instrumental in improving the lives of the islanders and building trust with the local communities.

Despite facing constant danger and witnessing the death of his wife and several children due to illness, Paton persevered in his mission. He eventually gained respect and acceptance from the indigenous people, and his work led to a significant Christian influence in the New Hebrides.

Paton’s extraordinary life and experiences were documented in his autobiography, “The Autobiography of John G. Paton,” which became a widely read and influential account of missionary work. His story continues to inspire and challenge Christians around the world to embrace sacrificial love and unwavering commitment in sharing the Gospel with others.

John Paton’s legacy lives on through the impact he made on the lives of the islanders and the inspiration he provides to generations of missionaries who follow in his footsteps. His unwavering faith, courage, and dedication to serving others in the face of adversity make him a shining example of a missionary who truly lived out the Great Commission.

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