William Law on Money, pt 2

A Serious Call to a Devout and Holy Life

William Law on Money – In his classic book “A Serious Call to a Devout and Holy Life” Law tackles the issue of faith and money head-on.  Does the Bible promote the Prosperity Gospel? Are we to seek more money and comfort for ourselves?  Get ready to be challenged as you read William Law’s writings…
Chapter 7
How the imprudent use of an estate corrupts all the tempers of the mind, and fills the heart with poor and ridiculous passions, through the whole course of life; represented in the character of Flavia.

IT HAS ALREADY been observed, that a prudent and religious care is to be used in the manner of spending our money or estate, because the manner of spending our estate makes so great a part of our common life, and is so much the business of every day, that according as we are wise, or imprudent, in this respect, the whole course of our lives will be rendered either very wise or very full of folly.
Persons that are well affected to religion, that receive instructions of piety with pleasure and satisfaction, often wonder how it comes to pass that they make no greater progress in that religion which they so much admire.
Now the reason of it is this: it is because religion lives only in their head, but something else has possession of their heart; and therefore they continue from year to year mere admirers and praisers of piety, without ever coming up to the reality and perfection of its precepts.
If it be asked why religion does not get possession of their hearts, the reason is this; it is not because they live in gross sins, or debaucheries, for their regard to religion preserves them from such disorders; but it is because their hearts are constantly employed, perverted, and kept in a wrong state by the indiscreet use of such things as are lawful to be used.
The use and enjoyment of their estate is lawful, and therefore it never comes into their heads to imagine any great danger from that quarter. They never reflect, that there is a vain and imprudent use of their estate, which, though it does not destroy like gross sins, yet so disorders the heart, and supports it in such sensuality and dulness, such pride and vanity, as makes it incapable of receiving the life and spirit of piety.


The above extract is from the beginning of chapter 7 of “A Serious Call to a Devout and Holy Life” by William Law.

You can find William Law’s book A SERIOUS CALL TO A DEVOUT AND HOLY LIFE in it’s entirety in the fantastic eBook collection: “The Complete Works of William Law”


AUTHOR: William Law
Formats Available:

 Kindle eBook

 Kobo/Sony eBook

Wesley stated that his ‘Serious Account To A Devout And Holy Life’ was “a treatise which will hardly be excelled, if it be equalled, either for beauty of expression or for depth of thought.”
The famous devotional writer, Andrew Murray said, regarding Law’s Address To The Clergy, “I do not know where to find anywhere else the same clear and powerful statement of the truth which the Church needs at the present day.”


William Law’s work “A SERIOUS CALL TO A DEVOUT AND HOLY LIFE” also available in:



AUTHOR: various
Formats Available:

 Kindle eBook

 Kobo/Sony eBook

This fantastic compilation brings together some of the greatest classics on HOLINESS in Christian life and ministry. Learn the secret of walking in God’s presence and power from those whose writings have stirred and challenged countless Christians throughout history.

The Top 7 Classics on HOLINESS contains the full texts of:
• Purity of Heart – by William Booth (1902), 10 chapters.
• Heart Talks on Holiness – by Samuel Logan Brengle (1897), 27 chapters.
• Holiness: Its Nature, Hindrances, Difficulties, and Roots – by J. C. Ryle (1879), 21 chapters.
• God’s Way of Holiness – by Horatius Bonar (1864), 9 chapters.
• A Plain Account of Christian Perfection – by John Wesley (1777), entire book.
• A Serious Call to a Devout and Holy Life – by William Law (1729), 24 chapters.
• The Rules and Exercises of Holy Living – by Jeremy Taylor (1650), 27 sections.

