Best selling Christian books
Discover the best selling Christian books that have inspired believers down through the centuries. Classic Christian Ebooks has dozens of amazing books that will encourage, strengthen and challenge you in your faith. These range from biographies, writings on revival, theology, pastoral counsel and more!
Get these best-selling books for rock-bottom prices today!
#1 - 25 Classic Christian Biographies
These 25 Classic Christian Biographies contain the life stories of men of God who have challenged and captivated countless Christians through the centuries. From Saint Augustine to Saint Francis, Calvin to Wesley, Charles Spurgeon to Hudson Taylor – history has been shaped, God has been glorified, and Christians have been inspired through their lives and legacy. For full details go over to Amazon, or check this blog post here.
Amazon Review:
2 - The Life and Works of Andrew Murray (50-in-1)
ANDREW MURRAY was a famous pastor, writer and conference speaker during the 19th century. His insightful, Biblical writings have incredible depth and are still treasured today. Included in this collection are his most famous works, as well as many of his writings that have been long out-of-print. For a full listing of the 50 works included in this fine collection, just click one of the links below or see this page.
Amazon Review:
3 - Early Works of Grace Livingston Hill
Grace Livingston Hill was a beloved and prolific writer of over 100 inspirational stories and Christian romance novels. For decades her tender and touching novels have touched the hearts of millions.
Available now for the first time, this 26 volume work brings together some of her most sought-after earliest works, including her “Miranda” trilogy (Marcia Schuyler, Phoebe Deane and Miranda).
Find why millions cherish Grace Livingston Hill’s writings as you let her guide you into beautiful stories of faith, hope and love!
Amazon Review:
4 - Works of G. Campbell Morgan (25-in-1)
G. Campbell Morgan (1863-1945) was a well-known and highly regarded preacher and Bible teacher in England. He worked closely with D. L. Moody, F. B. Meyer and Martyn Lloyd-Jones and for over 20 years was pastor of Westminster Chapel. He left an amazing legacy in written books and sermons that still encourage, instruct and challenge today
5 - Life and Works of Charles Finney (15-in-1)
CHARLES FINNEY (1792-1875) was mightily used of God to promote revival throughout the United States in the 1800’s. His life has inspired countless Christians to passionately pursue God (and was a favorite of Jonathan Goforth, Leonard Ravenhill and Keith Green). A must read for those who long to see God move in our day!
This fantastic collection includes all his known works, including his classic writings on revival!
Some of our best selling Christian books on Amazon’s Top 10

6 - Life and Works of William Law (17-in-1)
William Law (1686-1761) was an English writer and mystic who challenged Christians to return to a holy life and a fervent faith. His writings have impacted countless others, including John Wesley and, more recently, Andrew Murray.
Wesley stated that his ‘Serious Account To A Devout And Holy Life’ was “a treatise which will hardly be excelled, if it be equalled, either for beauty of expression or for depth of thought.”
The famous devotional writer, Andrew Murray said, regarding Law’s Address To The Clergy, “I do not know where to find anywhere else the same clear and powerful statement of the truth which the Church needs at the present day.”
This special edition begins with a short introduction to Law’s life and includes the FULL TEXT of all 17 of his known works.
7 - Top Seven Catholic Classics (7-in-1)
The TOP 7 CATHOLIC CLASSICS is a wonderful collection of the very best of Catholic devotional writing. These are some of the best selling Christian books of all time, lasting centuries, and they continue to inspire millions around the world even today!
Included in this collection are the full texts of:
•ON LOVING GOD – by Bernard of Clairvaux (12th Century)
•CLOUD OF UNKNOWING – unknown author (14th Century)
•DIALOGUE OF ST. CATHERINE OF SIENA – by Catherine of Siena (1378)
•IMITATION OF CHRIST – by Thomas A Kempis (15th Century)
•INTERIOR CASTLE – by St Teresa of Avila (1577 AD)
•THE DARK NIGHT OF THE SOUL – by St John of the Cross (16th Century)
•PRACTICE OF THE PRESENCE OF GOD – by Brother Lawrence (17th Century)
8 - Works of Amy Carmichael (13-in-1)
Amy Carmichael (1867-1951) served in India for over 50 years and is well-known for her work rescuing children from temple prostitution as well as her inspirational missionary writings.
This collection contains 13 of her earliest (and rarest) writings, in chronological order. All have been spell-checked and formatted for your eReader and are beautifully illustrated. You will be encouraged, challenged and inspired as you read of the impact and legacy that Amy Carmichael and her team had in India, rescuing little children and sharing the love of Jesus.
9 - Works of F. B. Meyer (25-in-1)
F. B. Meyer (1847 – 1929) was a famous pastor and evangelist in England. He was a frequent speaker at Keswick and a friend of Hudson Taylor, D. L. Moody and Spurgeon. He was loved for his many writings, devotionals and Scriptural biographies which helped countless thousands grow in their love for the Lord and his Word. It is our prayer that Meyer’s writings will similarly challenge and encourage you in your Christian walk.
Included in this collection are the full texts of 25 of his most popular works, including his famous “Biblical Biography” series as well as his classics “Back to Bethel,” “Saved and Kept,” and the “Secret of Guidance” and many more.
10 - Works of R. A. Torrey (10-in-1)
R. A. Torrey (1856-1928) was a friend of D. L .Moody and a passionate preacher, evangelist and teacher of the Word of God. He was a prolific writer, penning many books to challenge, encourage and equip believers in all walks of life.
This fantastic volume brings you some of his best writings on spiritual growth.
Need E. W. Kenyon