Curious as to the top books on our website? Well, wonder no more! Below are the top-selling eBooks, paperbacks, and most popular pages from last year. Check them out!
Our top-ten EBOOK sales of 2023:
- Evangelism and Soul-Winner (free)
- Life and Works of Andrew Murray (50-in-1)
- 25 Classic Christian Biographies (25-in-1)
- The Life and Works of John Owen (55-in-1)
- The Works of Madame Jeanne Guyon (7-in-1)
- The Works of D. L. Moody, vol 1 (25-in-1)
- The Complete Works of William Law (17-in-1)
- Life and Works of A. B. Simpson (50-in-1)
- The Works of F. B. Meyer (25-in-1)
- Autobiography of Charles Finney
Our top-ten PAPERBACK BOOK sales of 2023:
- The Spirit of Christ (Andrew Murray)
- The Holiest of All (Andrew Murray)
- The Works of D. L. Moody, Vol. 1
- The Works of Andrew Murray, Vol. 1
- The Azusa Street Papers
- Key to the Missionary Problem (Andrew Murray)
- Lectures on Revivals of Religion (Charles Finney)
- Lectures to my Students (Charles Spurgeon)
- Letters of our Lord to the 7 Churches of Revelation (G. Campbell Morgan)
- Jesus the Messiah (Alfred Edersheim)
Our top WEB PAGES for 2023
Our top AUTHOR PAGES for 2023
(As you can see…Andrew Murray wins for the most searched-for author in almost all categories! Well done Andy!)