Get Charles Sheldon’s classic “IN HIS STEPS” which is included in the collection “25 Timeless Christian Classics.” Discover the story that inspired the “What Would Jesus Do?” movement and the power of a Christ-like life!



Charles Sheldon In His Steps

This classic anthology brings together twenty-five of the most beloved Christian classics of all time. Here you’ll find the very best writing on Christian living from the last two millennia, covering a wide range of genres: devotional, apologetic, evangelistic, theological and mystical. There’s a healthy mix of viewpoints as well – Catholic, Protestant, Arminian, Calvinist, men and women – in other words, a realistic representation of Christian writing down through the years.

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Charles Sheldon what would Jesus do

This fantastic compilation brings some of the greatest Christian classics on DEVOTION and Christlikeness of all time. Learn the secret of walking in God’s presence from those whose writings have been an inspiration to millions!

The Top 5 Classics of Devotion contains the full texts of:

  • The Confessions of St. Augustine (by St. Augustine)
  • The Imitation of Christ (by Thomas a Kempis)
  • The Practice of the Presence of God (by Brother Lawrence)
  • The Christian’s Secret to a Happy Life (by Hannah Whitall Smith)
  • In His Steps (by Charles Sheldon)



Charles Sheldon (1857-1946) was an influential American author, minister, and social activist whose life and work left a lasting impact on the Christian community and society at large. Born in 1857 in New York, Sheldon dedicated his life to promoting social justice and living out the teachings of Jesus Christ.

Sheldon’s most famous work, “In His Steps” published in 1896, became a best-selling novel and sparked a movement that challenged Christians to consider the ethical implications of their actions. The book popularized the question “What would Jesus do?” and encouraged believers to align their choices and behavior with the teachings of Christ. This concept had a profound influence on Christian living and inspired numerous individuals to take a more intentional approach to their faith.

Beyond his literary contributions, Sheldon was actively engaged in social activism. He advocated for workers’ rights, addressing poverty, and promoting equality in society. He believed that Christians should be actively involved in addressing the needs of the less fortunate and fighting for social justice.

Sheldon’s commitment to social justice and his emphasis on the practical application of faith made him a key figure in the Social Gospel movement of the late 19th and early 20th centuries. He believed that Christianity should not be confined to the walls of the church but should be lived out in the world, making a tangible difference in the lives of others.

Sheldon’s legacy continues to resonate today. His teachings on social justice and ethical living continue to challenge Christians to examine their actions and impact the world around them. The question “What would Jesus do?” remains a powerful reminder to consider the teachings of Christ in daily decision-making.

Charles Sheldon’s life and work serve as an inspiration for believers to live out their faith with integrity and compassion. His commitment to social justice, his literary contributions, and his emphasis on practical Christianity have had a lasting impact on the Christian community and continue to shape the way believers engage with the world.


If you enjoy the writing of Charles Sheldon you may also enjoy our classic collection on Spiritual Disciplines.