Revival and moves of God throughout history

Find great books and articles on historical revivals below, listed in general chronological order:

– Moravian Revival
First Great Awakening
– Methodist Revival 
Second Great Awakening 
Welsh Revival 
Azusa Street Revival 
Hebrides Revival 
As well as other Revivals from around the world!

This is a work in progress…more resources coming soon!


General resources on great revivals that give an overview of the work of God throughout the centuries. You can also find some great sermons on past revival and revival audio compilations on our revival sermons page.

Leonard Ravenhill on Revival



The Moravian Revival of 1727, centered in Herrnhut, Germany, was a powerful move of the Holy Spirit that birthed a global missions movement. Under the leadership of Count Nikolaus Ludwig von Zinzendorf, the Moravian community experienced a profound spiritual awakening marked by unity, fervent prayer, and a deep commitment to Christ. This revival led to the establishment of a 24/7 prayer watch that lasted over 100 years and inspired the Moravians to launch one of the first large-scale Protestant missionary efforts. They sent missionaries to the Americas, Africa, and Asia, often at great personal sacrifice. The revival not only spread the Gospel worldwide but also deeply influenced figures like John Wesley, helping ignite the Methodist revival and shaping modern missions.


The First Great Awakening was a revival that swept through the American colonies in the 1730s and 1740s, profoundly shaping the spiritual and cultural landscape of the era. This movement, led by influential preachers like Jonathan Edwards and George Whitefield, emphasized personal conversion, heartfelt devotion, and the need for an individual relationship with God. It broke down denominational barriers, unified believers across the colonies, and inspired a wave of missionary work and social reform. The Awakening also planted seeds of democratic thought, as it encouraged questioning of traditional authority and emphasized the equality of all people before God, ultimately influencing both the American Revolution and the development of religious freedom in the United States.


J. Edwin Orr on Great Revivals

Check out this series on various historical revivals by renowned historian Dr. J. Edwin Orr. The first one is on the Great Awakening:


Sparked by the flames of the Moravian revival, John Wesley’s heart was ‘strangely warmed’ when God touched him at an Aldersgate prayer meeting. Fueled by a fresh assurance of God’s grace, Wesley devoted his energy to a passionate ministry marked by fervent preaching, relentless evangelism, and deep concern for the poor and marginalized. Along with his brother Charles and fellow evangelist George Whitefield, Wesley saw God’s power bring spiritual renewal to countless lives, sparking widespread repentance, personal transformation, and social reform. This revival transcended church walls, leading to the establishment of Methodist societies, schools, and missions that spread across continents, leaving an enduring legacy of vibrant faith, practical holiness, and a commitment to global evangelism.

The Impact of John Wesley:


The Second Great Awakening was a powerful revival movement that swept through America in the early 19th century, igniting a wave of spiritual renewal and social reform. Charles Finney, a key figure in this awakening, revolutionized evangelism with his passionate preaching, innovative methods, and focus on personal decision and social responsibility. Known as the “Father of Modern Revivalism,” Finney’s revival meetings emphasized the urgency of salvation, the power of prayer, and the need for holy living. His influence extended beyond the pulpit, inspiring movements for abolition, women’s rights, and temperance. Through Finney’s ministry, countless individuals experienced conversion, and the revival left a lasting impact on American Christianity, fostering a deep commitment to both personal faith and societal transformation.


The Welsh Revival of 1904-1905, led by Evan Roberts and fueled by fervent prayer and a deep hunger for God, was one of the most remarkable spiritual awakenings in history. Beginning in small prayer meetings, the revival quickly swept across Wales, with tens of thousands coming to faith in Christ. The movement was marked by passionate worship, heartfelt repentance, and a profound sense of God’s presence. Its impact went beyond spiritual renewal, transforming communities as crime rates dropped, debts were repaid, and relationships were restored. The Welsh Revival also inspired similar awakenings worldwide, spreading a renewed focus on prayer, holiness, and the power of the Holy Spirit. Its legacy continues to challenge and inspire believers to seek God’s transformative work in their own lives and communities.


The Azusa Street Revival, which began in Los Angeles in 1906 under the leadership of William J. Seymour, is widely regarded as the birthplace of the modern Pentecostal movement. This powerful outpouring of the Holy Spirit was characterized by passionate prayer, interracial unity, speaking in tongues, miraculous healings, and a deep sense of God’s presence. Thousands gathered in the humble mission at 312 Azusa Street, and the revival quickly gained international attention. Its impact was transformative, leading to the establishment of Pentecostalism as one of the fastest-growing Christian movements in the world. The revival’s emphasis on the baptism of the Holy Spirit, spiritual gifts, and global evangelism continues to shape Christianity today, uniting millions of believers across denominations and cultures.


Check out this video on the Azusa Street Revival:


The Hebrides Revival (1949–1952) was a powerful spiritual awakening that swept through the Scottish Hebrides, particularly the Isle of Lewis, under the ministry of Duncan Campbell. Sparked by fervent prayer meetings led by two elderly sisters, Peggy and Christine Smith, the revival was marked by deep conviction of sin, spontaneous conversions, and an overwhelming sense of God’s presence. Entire communities were transformed as people flocked to churches, often late into the night, to seek God. The revival’s impact extended far beyond the islands, inspiring prayer movements and spiritual renewal in other parts of the world.

This was a powerful move of God that swept the Hebrides. You can hear Campbell’s own amazing account on our revival audio page here.


Duncan Campbell on the Hebrides Revival

Hear Duncan Campbell share about the revival in the Hebrides in the wonderful account below:


The Argentine Revival, which began in the mid-20th century, was a powerful movement of God that transformed the spiritual landscape of Argentina. Sparked by the ministry of evangelists like Tommy Hicks, Edward Miller, and later Carlos Annacondia, the revival was marked by mass evangelism, miraculous healings, and an unprecedented outpouring of the Holy Spirit. In 1954, Tommy Hicks’ massive crusades in Buenos Aires drew hundreds of thousands, with countless conversions and healings reported. Churches across Argentina experienced explosive growth, and prayer movements intensified as people sought God fervently. This revival not only revitalized the Argentine church but also influenced the global Pentecostal and charismatic movements, making Argentina a key hub for evangelical growth in South America.

Also see: 
 – The Awesome Argentine Revival
 – The Beginning of the Great Argentine Revival


Beginning in the early 1900’s there was a mighty move of God in China, especially recorded in the ministry of Jonathan Goforth. Though missionaries had worked for years, many were kicked out during the Communist takeover. Since then, the small number of believers, despite persecution, have seen an amazing revival! 





Other historical revivals from around the world:


The Pensacola Revival (1995)

The Pensacola Revival, also known as the Brownsville Revival, began on Father’s Day in 1995 at Brownsville Assembly of God in Pensacola, Florida, under the leadership of Pastor John Kilpatrick and evangelist Steve Hill. This revival was characterized by passionate worship, powerful preaching, deep repentance, and a profound sense of God’s presence. It drew millions of visitors from around the world over several years, resulting in countless salvations, rededications, and personal transformations. The revival emphasized the importance of holiness, spiritual renewal, and evangelism, inspiring a fresh wave of global church revitalization and missionary activity. Its impact continues to be felt in ministries birthed from the movement and the lives it touched.

You can also find the powerful and convicting “Revival Fire” audio compilation from Brownsville on our revival sermons page.


More revival links coming soon!

O Thou Who camest from above,
The pure celestial fire to impart,
Kindle a flame of sacred love
On the mean altar of my heart.

There let it for Thy glory burn
With inextinguishable blaze,
And trembling to its source return,
In humble prayer and fervent praise.

Jesus, confirm my heart’s desire
To work and speak and think for Thee;
Still let me guard the holy fire,
And still stir up Thy gift in me.

Ready for all Thy perfect will,
My acts of faith and love repeat,
‘Til death Thy endless mercies seal,
And make my sacrifice complete.

– Charles Wesley –