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CHARLES FINNEY (1792-1875) was mightily used of God to promote revival throughout the United States in the 1800’s. His life has inspired countless Christians to passionately pursue God (and was a favorite of Jonathan Goforth, Leonard Ravenhill and Keith Green). A must read for those who long to see God move in our day!
This anthology includes the full text of the following 15 books:
1. THE LIFE OF CHARLES FINNEY – an in-depth biography of Finney’s life (18 Chapters)
2. POWER FROM ON HIGH – After seeing God move in amazing ways throughout his life and ministry, Finney captures in this book the keys to seeing God move with “power from on high”. (13 chapters).
3. LECTURES ON REVIVALS OF RELIGION: Penned in 1868 after decades of seeing God move in revival power in the Second Great Awakening, this is a must read for anyone truly seeking to see lives and communities transformed for God! (22 chapters).
4. REVIVAL FIRE – A collection of Finney’s thoughts on helps and hindrances to revival. (16 chapters).
5. AUTOBIOGRAPHY OF CHARLES FINNEY (MEMOIRS OF REVIVAL). Finney’s autobiography details his conversion and the amazing accounts of whole towns coming under conviction and scores of people turning to Christ. Finney not only narrates this wonderful move of God, but also highlights important aspects of the revival such as prayer and repentance. (36 chapters)
6. HOLINESS OF CHRISTIANS IN THE PRESENT LIFE – Lectures by Finney on holiness and sanctification (13 chapters).
9. THE WAY OF SALVATION (25 sermons from the Oberlin Evangelist)
10. THE PENNEY PULPIT (45 sermons from England)
12. LETTERS ON REVIVAL (32 letters)
15. FINNEY’S SYSTEMATIC THEOLOGY – A massive work containing Finney’s thoughts on Moral Law, Love, the Atonement, Justification, Election, Perseverance of the Saints and much more. (Over 50 chapters).
Reviews from Amazon:
Although written years ago this book if read and followed can and will change your life. Finney was a man mightily used by God because he submitted himself to the authority and wisdom of God’s word. He gives a prescription for how someone can start a personal revival of holiness to God even in todays’ world. Excellent.”
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Charles Finney’s works are also included in:
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This powerful volume brings together 7 of the best Classic writings on REVIVAL. Penned by men and women of God who were eye-witnesses to revival, these books will stir your heart and challenge you to pray and believe for a move of God today!
The following seven classics are included in this volume in their entirety:
1. NARRATIVE OF THE SURPRISING WORK OF GOD – by Jonathan Edwards. Edwards (1703 –1758) was one of America’s greatest theologians and one of the leaders in the First Great Awakening which saw thousands swept into the Kingdom of God. This account gives a first-hand report of the revival as it swept through Northampton and New England.
2. LECTURES ON REVIVALS OF RELIGION – by Charles Finney. Penned in 1868 after decades of seeing God move in revival power in the Second Great Awakening, this is a must read for anyone truly seeking to see lives and communities transformed for God!
3. HANDBOOK ON REVIVALS – by Henry Fish. An in-depth compendium on revival – what it is and how to prepare for one. Fish looks at past revivals and provides answers to various objections, giving practical and sound advice. He also looks at the importance of prayer, preaching, singing, evangelism and follow-up.
4. AWAKENING IN WALES AND THE HIDDEN SPRINGS – by Jessie Penn-Lewis. A first-hand account of the roots of the Welsh Revival from someone who knew Evan Roberts personally.
5. THE WELSH REVIVAL – by W.T.Stead and G Campbell Morgan. Stead and Morgan were eyewitnesses of the mighty Welsh revival, seeing its power and the transformation it brought. Written in 1905 it documents how the revival began, its impact and includes personal interviews with Evan Roberts, the ‘leader’ of the revival.
6. AZUSA STREET (How Pentecost Came to Los Angeles) – by Frank Bartleman. Written in 1925 almost two decades after the initial outpouring of the Spirit at Azusa Street, Bartleman gives a first-hand look into the early days of the revival and the part he played in helping to prepare the way for this move of God.
7. THE REVIVAL WE NEED – by Oswald J Smith. A powerful book by the founder of the People’s Church in Toronto, Canada, this is a passionate and earnest account of what it will take to see God move in reviving power in our day!
**BONUS: THE WAY TO PENTECOST – by Samuel Chadwick. Penned in 1932 just before his death, this is a deep look at what it will take to see true revival happen in our day. The Way To Pentecost was a favorite of Leonard Ravenhill.
This fantastic compilation brings some of the greatest classics on POWER in Christian life and ministry, including Finney’s classic “Power from on High.” Learn the secret of walking in God’s presence and power from those who have been there: D. L. Moody was one of the greatest evangelists of the 19th Century; Charles Finney saw revival sweep across America and R. A. Torrey was a powerful preacher, teacher, writer and evangelist (and personal friend of D. L. Moody). E. M. Bounds was a great man of prayer and Andrew Murray a man who knew the deep things of God. Each book in this collection will stir your heart and open your life up to more of the Holy Spirit and His power!
7 Classics on Power contains the full texts of:
1. How to Obtain Fullness of Power – by R. A. Torrey (5 chapters)
2. Secret Power – by D. L. Moody (5 chapters)
3. Power From on High – by Charles Finney (13 chapters)
4. Power Through Prayer – by E. M. Bounds (20 chapters)
5. The Power of the Blood of Jesus – by Andrew Murray (10 chapters)
6. Quiet Talks on Power – by S. D. Gordon (8 chapters)
7. The Secret of Spiritual Power – by G. D. Watson (30 chapters)
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These 25 Classic Christian Biographies contain the life stories of men of God who have challenged and captivated countless Christians through the centuries. From Saint Augustine to Saint Francis, Calvin to Wesley, Brainerd to McCheyne, Charles Spurgeon to Hudson Taylor – history has been shaped, God has been glorified, and Christians have been inspired through their lives and legacy. See below for the full list of these 25 world-changers.
It is our prayer that by reading this collection you too will be strengthened in your walk with the Lord and challenged to follow him with your whole heart!