Best Christian Biography
Are you looking for great Christian biographies to read with your family or kids? Trying to find an inspiring Christian biography? You’ve come to the right place – we’ve got great best-selling classic biographies you’ll love. The list below includes Biographies of heroes of the faith, biographies of Christian women, missionary biographies, Biblical biographies, biographies of early church fathers and martyrs, and even Christian biographies for kids and children!
25 Classic Christian Biographies
Now just $2.99
These 25 Classic Christian Biographies contain the life stories of men of God who have challenged and captivated countless Christians through the centuries. From Saint Augustine to Saint Francis, Calvin to Wesley, Brainerd to McCheyne, Charles Spurgeon to Hudson Taylor – history has been shaped, God has been glorified, and Christians have been inspired through their lives and legacy. See below for the full list of these 25 world-changers.
It is our prayer that by reading this collection you too will be strengthened in your walk with the Lord and challenged to follow him with your whole heart!
Very Inspirational!”
I am a little over half way through this book. It is a fascinating group of biographies. They are very complete, with details that I did not find in other biographies of some of the individuals. Some of them are hard reading, but most are extremely interesting, as for example: John Patton with the cannibals, David Livingston in Africa, William Booth with the Salvation Army, etc…It is an extremely worthwhile book”
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25 Classic Christian Women Biographies
Now just $2.99

Essential reading for every Christian woman – This provides new insights into the vital role that numerous (some previously unknown) females played in the history of Christianity. Tireless reading, well written and not at all dull or boring like some similar biographies.”

7 Missionary Biographies
SEVEN CLASSIC MISSIONARY BIOGRAPHIES brings together the stories of some of the greatest missionaries of all time! Includes Amy Carmichael, Hudson Taylor, William Carey as well as David Brainerd, John Paton and Henry Martyn. These biographical accounts of missionary life and work will be sure to captivate, inspire and challenge you to make your life count for Jesus!
Best value for anyone wanting to get a better understanding of the big names in missions. I read Amy Carmichael, John Paton, and am now on Hudson Taylor. They’re all very different, but so inspiring regardless. I suggest this collection of books to anyone wanting to learn more about the life of missionaries, it’s a great first place to start at a great value.
– Amazon Review of “7 Classic Missionary Biographies“

Biblical Biography (12-in-1)
Included in this collection are the full texts of all 12 books in his popular Biblical Biography Series:
1. John the Baptist
2. Peter – Fisherman, Disciple, Apostle
3. Paul – A Servant of Jesus Christ
4. Abraham, or the Obedience of Faith
5. Israel – A Prince with God
6. Joseph – Beloved, Hated, Exalted
7. Moses – The Servant of God
8. Joshua and the Land of Promise
9. Samuel the Prophet
10. David – Shepherd, Psalmist, King
11. Elijah and the Secret of his Power
12. Jeremiah – Priest and Prophet
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10 Early Christian Saints

•The Martyrdom of Polycarp,
•Martyrdom of Perpetua & Felicitas,
•The Life and Passion of St. Cyprian,
•The life of Eusebius,
•The Life of St. Antony,
•The Life of St. Athanasius,
•The Life of St. Chrysostom,
•The Life of St. Jerome,
•The Confession of St. Patrick,
•The Life of St. Benedict

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Some of our Best-Selling Christian Biography on Amazon Top 10

Those aren’t the only great Christian biographies available! We have lots more excellent and life-changing biographies which are also included in these collections and books below:
The Biography of George Muller
Now just $2.26!

George Muller (1805-1898) was a man of prayer and courage who through faith established orphanages and schools for thousands of children in England in the 1800’s. He was also well known for his preaching, teaching and missionary work. His life and legacy has been an inspiration to countless thousands of Christians worldwide!
Amazon Reviews:
Excellent biography of a godly man who relied on God answering his prayers to provide his daily needs and those of the orphans he cared for.
It is important for the Christian to actually read this collection because it is exactly what happened and how God answered this mans prayers and projects. Many Christians have HEARD of him and how his prayers were answered but they don’t have all the information so it is important to read the actual books.
Wise words by a true spiritual giant who lived a contributory life in every sense of the term. His advice for young Christians is worth the whole purchase and then some. May God raise up more surrendered disciples like Mr. Muller in this crucial generation.

The life of Robert Murray McCheyne
Now just $0.99

The Biography of Robert Murray McCheyne: An inspirational classic of the young pastor who shook Scotland. In 1843 his friend the Rev. Andrew Bonar writes this touching portrait of McCheyne, a man of God who died when he was only 29 years of age. His commitment to Jesus, his compassion for souls and his passion for revival continues to make this classic a must-read!
Spurgeon once said about this book: “This is one of the best and most profitable volumes ever published. The memoir of such a man ought surely to be in the hands of every Christian and certainly every preacher of the Gospel.”
He died at 29. Can his biography possibly be worth reading? As his close friend Andrew Bonar demonstrates, McCheyne’s short life was so remarkable that it should be read by all men and women of faith. He became a national hero for all Scottish evangelicals for many years and indeed, he remains so for many believers today. If the phrase “must-read” has any relevance for Christians, this book should be in that category. Ver highly recommended.”
– Amazon Review

The Works of Madame Jeanne Guyon
On Sale!
Now just $3.50

Absolutely amazing spiritual book.., though the writing style is archaic and the took getting used to after a few reads but once there I found the book totally awesome.
Other than the Holy scriptures I can say this is a writing that has had a very profound impact on my spiritual life. It is a book I shall remain reading and referring to for as long as I can continue reading. Totally amazing.”

The Biography of Hudson Taylor
Now just $3.99

Biography of John Wesley
Now just $3.77

THE JOHN WESLEY BIOGRAPHY COLLECTION is a fantastic resource that brings together 4 penetrating and powerful biographies of the preacher who transformed the British religious landscape. These lives of John Wesley will give you a thorough understanding of his early years, conversion, ministry and legacy.
Includes the FULL texts of:
2. JOHN WESLEY, THE METHODIST (John Fletcher Hurst)
I am only halfway through the first of the four books, but am already greatly impressed at the comprehensive nature of the work. Though the early 19th century writing style takes a little getting used to in order to thoroughly glean the writer’s perspective, it is a work that provides all one could ever hope to learn about the man.
– Amazon Review
Biography of William Booth and Catherine Booth
$49.00Save over 90%!
Now just $3.99
The biographies of William Booth and his wife Catherine, founders of the Salvation Army are included in this excellent collection. Booth was a powerful leader and passionate preacher whose life has influenced millions. Known for their passion for the poor, fiery preaching and powerful books they started a ministry that impacted the world with spiritual truth and social transformation. They were a source of inspiration to Keith Green, Leonard Ravenhill and countless thousands more. It is our hope that as you read this collection of their writings you will be inspired to also make a difference for Christ!
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