Classic Christian eBooks exists to bring you the best of the classics at an affordable price! Our motto is:
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Like you, we appreciate not only savings, but quality and so we aim to bring you the best in spiritually uplifting reading from some of the great’s in Christian history. Check out the many books we have by Charles Spurgeon, George Muller, Amy Carmichael, Charles Finney, D. L. Moody, John Wesley and many, many more! For a fraction of the cost of regular classic Christian books, you get a slew of great reading that will both edify and challenge you in your spiritual walk!
I just purchased the Works of G. Campbell Morgan — Volume I … Where/When is Volume II coming out? I think that Morgan is one of the best expository writers and preachers ever. I really, really look forward to having you publish ALL of his masterful works for the Kindle. Thank you for what you have done so far. So, when is volume 2 coming out? God bless you!
Thank you for making all these great books available at such incredibly low prices!
What is the proper bibliographic reference for these books, such as Lectures To My Students (Vol 1-4, Illustrated). Who is the publisher?
Great question. It really depends on what style you need to reference it as (ie: MLA, APA, Chicago style, etc). For examples see:
For all our books, the publisher is “” If you scroll down to the “Product Details” line on Amazon you can find the publication date of our edition. Hope this helps!
Just purchased The Complete Works of Andrew Murray! Great price!! I appreciate the format it was easy to download and read. I wanted to also ask about Authors E E Byrum or Enoch E Byrum and George D Watson. I am sure you all have plenty of requests and ideas, just hoping for some of my favorites in future works.
Thank you!
Hi John and thanks for your comment! We’re so glad to hear that you were able to purchase the works of Andrew Murray and we’re sure you’ll be blessed by it. We’d love it if you’d leave a review on Amazon sometime too as that helps us get the word out about these classics.
Also, you’ll be glad to know that we have some works by both Watson and Byrum! Both are included in some of our “7 Classics” series.
G. D. Watson’s classic work “The Secret of Spiritual Power” is included in “7 Classics on Power in the Christian Life” and Byrum’s work “The Great Physician” is included in our newly released “7 Classics on Divine Healing” (just published last week!). Both are available on our 7 Classics page.
We hope to do more by both of these authors in the future as well. You can help us by spreading the word about our books or by leaving reviews on Amazon…this helps us know what readers like and what we should do next.
Thanks again for getting in touch and we hope you’re blessed and encouraged by these fantastic classics!
Just received your extra free books email.
Is it true that the following two books in pdf format cannot be downloaded to Kindle?
-The Death of Death in the Death of Christ by John Owens
-Deeper Experiences of Famous Christians by J. Gilchrist Lawson
Thank you!
Hi Yip,
Yes, this month we’re sending out a couple extra emails since people have more time to read. So this first email contained a few bonus books, but only in PDF format. The next email that goes out will be the regular one with the free books in Kindle format, as well as Epub and PDF…and of course lots of other great deals and freebies! So keep your eyes out for that one.
But as a thank you for reaching out to us, we’ve sent the Kindle format of the two books you mentioned to your email address. Hope you enjoy reading them!
All the best and many blessings!
How do I purchase G C Morgan Vol I and II ebook in pdf format?
Hi Joshua, we’re working on this! We hope to have a PDF of all his books in the near future, so keep checking back!
I found a typo in The Life of AB Simpson (1st book in the 50-in-1 text): In kindle Loc 807, it says “He cannot be settled as a pastor until In has “a call” from a congregation…” Is there any way to have that bit revised?
Thanks so much!
Michelle M
Hi Michelle, thanks for bringing this typo to our attention. We’ve just fixed it in our files, but it will take some time for the update to show up in the kindle version online. I’d suggest trying to update your copy in a few days. If you need help in doing that, just follow the simple instructions here: Updating a book that is edited and getting the latest version of your book
I have several of your books on Kindle but I prefer to read from an actual book. I have tried to print them out for my use but after a awhile it gets locked up because of the program they apply, end up telling me I have reached the limit for that book . Is it possible to get these without the restrictions?
I love your books and have several in Kindle format but do not read on my computer or a tablet. Don’t like it, but don’t mind having an ebook that I can print sections from and even adjust the font and size. Kindle has killed that with their controls. Is it possible to order the same books in a pdf format without the hassles. I was reading F.B. Meyer Vol 1 but Amazon has squashed that saying I reached the limit. It is aggravating.
Hi Rhett, thanks for reaching out and so glad you’re enjoying our books! So sorry about the problem with Kindle locking up and not allowing you to print. Unfortunately, we are unable to do anything about that in regards to the actual Kindle book…that’s a technical limitation that Amazon puts on all their books.
Having said that, we are presently working on getting a PDF collection together (which would be able to be printed), but that will take some time as our editor is busy with a few other projects! But when we do, we’ll be starting with G. Campbell Morgan, Andrew Murray, F.B.Meyer, and D.L.Moody…so we hope to have those large PDF collections (50+ books each in one PDF) available sometime this year. So check back from time to time as we’ll announce it on the website when they’re available.
Thanks again for taking the time to connect with us…hope to be in touch soon with good news about those PDF’s. Blessings!
The Classic Christian eBooks team
I attempted to open and read some of your free ebooks utilizing Adobe Acrobat Reader but for some reason, it will not work. Can you please let us know what program(s) is necessary to access the books?
Thank You!
Jeff Burwell
I am French and live in France. I bought several of your E-books for Kindkle on Thank you i really appréciâtes. The Works of G. Campbell Morgan (25-in-1) vol 1 is on and not .fr (vol 2 is on .fr). Could you put vol 1 on Thank you. Sincerely
Thanks for your message! Sorry to hear that the “Works of G. Campbell Morgan, Vol 1” is not showing up on the French Amazon website. The book is indeed published on …we are not sure why it is showing as unavailable. We will continue to look into this.
So, I have a question about the Counsel to Christians book you have posted on Amazon. This book is in the public domain and yet it says that it is copyrighted material. Did you make changes to the text or what exactly is considered copyright? Because a public domain book cannot be copyright material. I am planning on translating this book into Chinese, God willing.
Hi Zachary, that’s a good question. The copyright refers to the editing and arrangement in the present edition, not to the text of Counsel to Christians itself. (In other words, someone can translate that book into any language and distribute it, but they should not just take and sell copies of the final edition that is found on our website). Hope that helps. May the Lord bless you and use you and your work for his glory!
I was wondering if you knew where I could find a digital edition of just Campbell Morgan’s “ The Bible in Five Years.” Physical copies appear impossible to find, and I was wondering if you knew where I could find a PDF or ePUB of it.
Hi Nate, great question. “The Bible in Five Years” by G. Campbell Morgan is included in our “Works of G. Campbell Morgan, Vol. 1.” It’s available on Amazon:
We don’t have a stand-alone copy of that available digitally, but hope to eventually have all of Morgan’s books as single editions some time in the future.
I have been trying for some while to get a copy of “The Works of G. Campbell Morgan Volume 1” in Kindle from Amazon for some months now. I get a message “This title is not currently available for purchase”. I am in the UK but it appears that it is the same on the US version of the site. I managed to get Volume 2 without any problem. Would still be interested in getting volume 1 but I don’t know whether the problem is with yourselves or Amazon. Am also wondering whether the problem reported on Feb 7th by VANDEPITTERIE is one of the same?
I am really interested in Classic Christian books, but only on paper to buy home. Please STOP sending e-mails concerning e-books.
Glad you’re interested in paperback classic books…they’re amazing! (And we have more and more available on our website).
If you are still receiving emails about our ebooks just click “unsubscribe” at the bottom of the newsletter. But note that you’ll no longer be getting notice of our great deals or free PDFs that we have available. Blessings!